

I have engaged a few folks in conversation regarding where technology is taking society. Many express concern regarding the role of humans in an Artificial Intelligence empowered Robotic world. Where do we fit? Eight years ago Bret Victor gave a presentation that addresses this in a broad sense.

I think it is important we consider this. As was discussed in the presentation above, technology will move on. The evolution of technology cares little about humans. It is important for humans to evolve as well. Here is an example from 2019. This seems to be an application that increases human productivity. What do you think?

A question I have asked is, “where does this fit in our education process?” The internet, or perhaps more accurately, the “web“, provides many answers. A term I think is important here is explorable explanation. I think that is important because the web contains “all human knowledge” and unfortunately, “all human misinformation.” I wonder if the term critical thinking as applied in university education addresses discernment in the web environment.

education my thoughts


The more I read, the more I become aware of how little I know. I am convinced now that one must be quite well read just to be ignorant.

I was reading about simulation in “Simulacra and Simulation” by Jean Baudrillard. And in my half awake state that often accompanies my reading the words, ‘verisimilitude’ and ‘temerity’ came to mind. Verisimilitude, the appearance or semblance of truth, genuineness or authenticity. Temerity, reckless boldness, rashness. Why did that come to mind after reading about simulacra; a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness. My reading is about simulation. For my purposes, the definition is,”the representation of the behavior or characteristics of one system through the use of another system, especially a computer program designed for the purpose.”

I think there is a tendency to believe the description of something is that something. Another favorite quote is, “The map is not the territory.” As I learn more, I come to realize that shedding ignorance is a never ending process. Ignorance is not a problem. Choosing to stay there and accept but the appearance of truth; that is sad. Being bold and reckless in one’s ignorance is dangerous.

environment Porch Ponders

Bird Migration

It appears our hummingbirds have departed for warmer climes. The hummingbird migration is a fascinating story. I did notice our hummingbirds were spending a lot of time at the feeders just before they disappeared. According to the information at they engage in a feeding frenzy to store energy for the trip. We have enjoyed our humming birds and look forward to their return in the spring. One thing I find interesting is that they seem to return to feeders after this migration. How do they find their way back?

For a general picture of bird migration visit the Migration Dashboard. Migration patterns of birds and even butterflies are amazing. I have found the Cornell Lab of Ornithology a good source of information about birds. I found them when I visited a bird feeder camera on

Bird migration is an interesting subject to start your exploration of our environment. It is popular to talk about saving the environment. I submit it is important to understand the environment, before trying to ‘save it.’ Understanding starts with observation. Complex systems may behave in unexpected ways when prodded by ignorance; the earth’s environment an extremely complex system.

education my thoughts

Math is Fundamental

During my 5 year teaching experience it became clear to me that most students had little understanding of mathematics. I tried to explain to them the importance of understanding math as one of the languages of engineering and science. Well, actually that would carry into business and other fields. So, I suppose math should be considered an essential language of an educated person.

I recently read a book I had started years ago, but didn’t finish then. “The Number Devil, a mathematical adventure,” by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. It is written for the elementary student, but I think many could benefit from reading it. It is a fun read about numbers and their relationship to each other. I think it’s goal is to stimulate curiosity.