education my thoughts


A project I am working led me to the calculation of π. The history of the calculation of π is an interesting journey. It started at least as far back as with Pythagoras of Samos(570-495BC). His work was fundamental to Archimedes of Syracuse(287-212BC) work with which I am starting.

This journey (aka rabbit hole) started with the Monte Carlo method of calculating π . The connections between early mathematicians and computer simulations are interesting. As I revisit this, I am sure I didn’t really understand this when I was introduced to it decades ago.

While teaching, one important insight I gained was the view of math held by my students. They saw math as a problem, not as a tool. In retrospect, I think this view was not far from my own as I struggled with the interdependence of math and physics. I was curious, but didn’t fully appreciate the tools with which I worked.

The point of this post is, I think our education system fails to present math as a fascinating subject with more intrigue than an online computer game. Mathematics is the language of science. Reading for comprehension is a critical skill which appears to be weak in many students. Reading math for comprehension is even less well developed.

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my thoughts NaNoWriMo 2022

NaNoWriMo 2022

National Novel Writing Month, write a novel in a month; or perhaps finish one started. For years I have talked about writing. I have started a number of stories. Like many things, I haven’t finished one yet. This program has been around for a while, but I discovered it last year. Last year I started a piece; and another piece, and so on. But, none really went far. So, here I am again. The organization, NaNoWriMo, was developed to encourage and support folks like me and November is designated as the month to write, or finish, that story. The goal is to write a 50,000 word story in November; a daunting goal. That is 1667 words per day or 417 words per hour for 4 hours every day.

I have started science fiction stories and some non-fiction. So if I take those as starts, I am OK; for today. Today is the day to pick one.

Are you interested? Contact me and we can encourage each other’s progress.